About Ashira Young

Byline Bio: Ashira Young is a health consultant, a spiritual counselor certified by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, and a certified practitioner of The Emotion Code and The Body Code, groundbreaking methods of self-healing developed by veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson. Today thousands of people around the globe are using The Emotion Code to overcome depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, physical pain, weight struggles and other health issues. Ashira holds a master's degree in social work. She and her husband operate Blue River Valley Farm in Milltown, Indiana.
Broadcast Bio: Many people suffer from depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, physical pain and weight issues, but few of us understand how emotions can contribute to these problems. With us today is Ashira Young, a health consultant, certified spiritual counselor and certified practitioner of The Emotion Code. Ashira holds a master's degree in social work and operates a farm in Milltown, Indiana. Welcome Ashira. What is The Emotion Code and how is it being used to treat all manner of physical, mental and emotional ailments?